So this past sat. we had the Cloud Dust photo was at New Creations here in magnolia,, thanks so much Joana for letting us use ur place!!! Erin, from Imagine Photography and Jennifer, with Jennifer Hood Photography came and did the shoot....I had about a dozen little girls....aged from 9m to 6yrs old......and they all did so good.....except for my own, Katie was glued to my hip...and cried if i tried to put her down or if someone else tried to hold's a little of out of character for her to act this way.....she's usually the one chasing all the big kids around and laughing all the way.....ah!......but anyway.. we got some great pics..and the kids looked so adorable in all the new friend best friend melanie came down the night before and helped me SO MUCH finishing everything up ........i was really excited to meet some of my customers for the first time too....thanks holly and jill for bringing ur girls!!...and my cousin drove all the way from dallas with her daughter..,,thanks nikkie!.....everyone just had such a good time!.....i can't even begin to explain how cool it was to have all the girls wearing my clothes,,, and loving them.....twirling around in the skirts..and one little one cried that she couldn't take her outfit sweet.......i'm dying to see all the pics!!...until then,,,Erin sent me just a few to hold me over......enjoy!!!

very cute, I can't wait to see all the pics
These are BEAUTIFUL Stacy! You are so talented sis and God has blessed you so much! I can remember the days when you were just sewing little things here and there for Emma Grace and look at you now!! I am so proud of you!! Love you, Sarah
Those are WONDERFUL!!! I wish I could come and take you sewing class. I am being a chicken and STILL havent gotten my machine out yet. I did get some awesome news today I will have to share with you later!
Can't wait to see the other photos!
Did you knit those caps yourself? They are simply adorable! Great pictures too!
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